i started writing again
and words cant really express how good that feels. it's been 4 years of nothing and just like rain, the story just poured into me.
i also found out i didn't get a gig i wanted and after getting past the pride thing, i realized that every single time i've wanted a job and didnt get it- something better has come along not much long after... something much better. so not getting it is merely preparing me for the better thing coming. i feel very confident in that and it calms me when i'm feeling anxious abt the search.
i have another interview on monday.
i've started working towards several productions. i hope to incorporate both companies within the next month. one geared towards more commercial endeavors and the other geared towards the embodiment of my personal beliefs and goals of communal upliftment.
i woke up this morning and stared at this man lying next to me and i was certain. certain that every thing we've gone through together has been worth it because of these mornings. certain that our spirits were locked in this dance even when our phyiscal bodies weren't. just certain.