consumately teetering on the brink of mediocrity.

Thursday, October 28, 2004

life has been going on as usually around these parts and yeah.... i'm not that interesting.

since the last update, i've still been looking for a gig and temping to supplement the income. last week i had THREE interviews. the tues. jawn was bogus. those ppl weren't really hiring. D suggested they weren't really hiring *me* b/c Koreans don't like black people. i don't think that's true. it seems that all the groups i've met here shares the belief that Koreans are racists... even the whites! some of my ex co-workers used to get pissed when shopping in their stores "they're acting as if i'm going to steal something." i laugh. try being BLACK.

one interview 2: i had one with the writer and producer of Soul Plane. he needed an assistant. the pay was shit but i thought i could learn abt producing my own projects. he has an office out o his guest house in hollywood that's kinda quiet and peaceful. not my ideal environment, but it was a potential job and i'm malleable. he totally didn't hire me... but then he said he'd keep an ear out for other potential jobs on my behalf. the thing is.. when ppl don't hire you, how come they think they can push you off on their other friends? if i'm not good enough for you, what makes you think your friend wants to pay me?

so yeah... interview 3 was at __________ i can't tell ya'll yet. i don't have it and i'm not trying to jinx it. i can say it's on one of the studio lots in an office i'd kill to get into... and really, it's the second best position i've interviewed for since being here. i want it so bad i can taste it. they interviewed me for a second and third time on tuesday and sent me to HR for a background check. i'm due to hear back either way by COB friday. wish me luck my people.

in other news: sherman hit a car. my sister called and was/is pissed at me. i felt guilty and then got over it. pretty soon, i'll be independent. completely.

what else, i had a brush with a near jealous rage. yeah.. it's weird. i can't explain it... i could but i won't. anyways, i didn't rage and all is well. it's like i've made peace with my trust. at the end of the day, i trust him completely.

i met sorors in the area... that's an entirely different posting. i'll be back.


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