consumately teetering on the brink of mediocrity.

Friday, July 30, 2004

so today isn't my last day.
apparently, tuesday is.
they asked me to stay and wrap this huge audio commentary
and another shoot i have on monday.

i kind of wish i had those days to relax
and get to know my new roommate.
work calls.

i did get a phone call for an interview with another company.
their website is really dope.
the best things about the job is:

1. it's a firm step in the direction i want to go in.
2. flexibility
3. staff job... so i'll have benefits again.
4. it's close to home.

i would like to get at least 2 more phone calls for work.
the best thing is when you have options on the table.
this time around, i'm raising the price of my services.

kim never showed up last night.
i thought she was hanging out with her man so i waited to call her
finally, at 1 am, i caved.
no answer.

this morning i call back and leave a nasty msg.
the least she could have done was call and say
i'm not coming over tonight tab.
at the very *least*
just so i know she's ok.

she finally called this afternoon.
sorry explanation.
ok, whatever.
i figured it's best to let it go.
people aren't going to be considerate
simply because i want them to.
no need to waste any more energy.

um... so drea's show is this weekend
and a ton of people are in town.
tia and jasmine get in this morning.
i heard emil is alread here.
why am i happy about seeing emil?
he was alawys good to me in dc.
he picked me up from the bus once in this big ass truck.
emil is about 5' 2"
but he's a really good person.
very laid back.
it's been a long time since we've talked.

there are other people i need to talk to too.
i haven't spoken to koku in a minute.
and kristen has been on my mind a lot.
tonight i may socialize.



i'm going to try and get out of here early and do some of it.
at least the whites and darks...
i can do it all in 3 loads at a luandromat
i checked the 1 washer in my building yesterday
it's small.
too small.


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