consumately teetering on the brink of mediocrity.

Thursday, April 28, 2005

start spreading the news

i'm leaving tomorrow actually.

thats right folks, i'm going home. just for a brief weekend but i can't wait. of course i'll be totally exhausted monday, but it will be WELL worth it. i've been incredibly homesick and my sorors have missed me too... enough to help finance my airline ticket. i LOVE those women and i can't wait to see them. i'm trrying to pack in seeing them and my best friend, getting a mani/pedi, running to BK for carols daughter and shea butter, hitting vp2 or red bamboo for a meal, seeing the girls probate.... yeah, it's a lot to do in less than 48 hours. not to worry, i'm taking my vitamins and a wheat grass shot and i'll be ready to go.

it's official. today is the last day that i EVER have to see my boss again. frankly, i'm ecstatic. she's made my life rather miserable and it's a great relief for that chapter to finally be closing. for the first time in my life, i'm actually lookng forward to being unemployed. i keep thinking about a home business that i could get going. i would love to work from my apartment and make my own schedule. i'm already envisioning what my days will be like. i could continute getting up at 8. head up the mountain for my 10 mile hike, come home, clean the house, shower, read a book, crochet make dinner... basically, i've got a ton of variations on that one fantasy.

there are a few other things i'd like to learn while not working- particularly, pottery. i've seen a classes offered at the community colleges but typically, they haven't been able to accomodate my work schedule. that's all changing now so i'd like to get enrolled in a class or two to learn new skills. about 2 weeks ago i stayed home sick and learned how to crochet to dull the boredom. after lots of practice, i finally got good enough to make a crown. while it's not my best work, i'm improving more each day and have since finished my second crown. once i get better and faster at this, i'm going to try more compliated patterns. it's difficult for me to follow patterns b/c they're written for right handed people.... but, i'm certain i can adapt accordingly.

i spent last weekend babysitting my niece and nephew. while we had a great time together, i was exhausted at the end of the day. COMPLETELY exhausted. so now when i think if children, i imagine the energy boost i'll need to raise them. i know i've got work to do on self before that happens.

in my unemployement time, i'm also going to take time to make my place more environmentaly friendly. we already recycle everything.... but i'm taking it a step further. i'm learning more about water and energy conservation. i've got a huge cloth bag for grocery shopping to avoid the plastic/paper bags. i've also started buying toilet paper made from recycled paper. next up is biodegradable, enviro-friendly laundry dtergent/dish liquids. sidenote: i love that my boss thinks she's an environmental zealot yet she smokes a pack a day and drives an suv.

so on a whimk, i just checked for a red eye going home this am. nothing. nada.... that i can afford anyways... i refuse to shell out another $100 to get home earlier.... although i'd love to.


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